Maximizing Egg Production: Breeding Ornamental Chickens for Optimal Results

Maximizing Egg Production: Breeding Ornamental Chickens for Optimal Results

Learn how to breed ornamental chickens for optimal egg production with our expert tips and techniques.

1. Introduction

Poultry production is a rapidly growing branch of animal production, with a focus on economic indicators. In contrast, there is a global breeding trend for ornamental poultry, driven by personal satisfaction and aesthetics. This study aims to analyze the egg characteristics and hatching results of selected breeds of ornamental chickens in amateur breeding facilities.

The study was conducted on a private farm from April to June 2017, evaluating six flocks of ornamental chickens: Polish bantam, Polish chicken, Padovana chicken, Pekin bantam, Onagadori, and Japanese bantam. The analysis included external and internal characteristics of eggs laid by the hens, as well as hatching results.

The domestication and selection of chickens have led to significant differences between wild and domesticated poultry, with contemporary lines of laying hens laying over 320 eggs per year. Ornamental poultry breeds are valued for their aesthetic qualities and are often raised in small amateur facilities, contributing to their survival.

The study focused on egg weight, size, shape, shell thickness, and hatching results of the different ornamental chicken breeds. The hatching process was evaluated through natural and artificial incubation methods, with a total of 180 eggs set in the incubator for hatching.

Overall, the study aims to provide insights into the characteristics and hatching performance of ornamental chicken breeds, contributing to the understanding of amateur breeding practices and the conservation of these unique poultry breeds.

Credibility: The study is published in a reputable scientific journal, and the methodology and analysis of the ornamental chicken breeds’ egg characteristics and hatching results are based on scientific research standards. The authors provide detailed information about the study design, data collection, and analysis, demonstrating expertise and trustworthiness in the field of poultry science.

Maximizing Egg Production: Breeding Ornamental Chickens for Optimal Results

2. Selecting the Right Breeding Stock

When selecting the right breeding stock for ornamental chicken breeds, it is important to consider several factors. Firstly, the genetic background of the birds should be taken into account. Breeding stock should come from healthy, disease-free lines with good genetic diversity to avoid inbreeding. Additionally, it is important to select birds that exhibit the desired traits for the specific breed, such as plumage color, feather structure, and overall conformation.

Factors to consider when selecting breeding stock:

– Genetic diversity and health of the breeding lines
– Desired traits specific to the ornamental chicken breed
– Avoiding inbreeding and genetic defects

It is also important to consider the temperament and behavior of the breeding stock, as well as their ability to naturally incubate and rear chicks. Breeders should aim to select birds that are well-adapted to their environment and show good maternal instincts. Finally, it is crucial to source breeding stock from reputable and ethical breeders to ensure the overall health and welfare of the birds.

3. Nutritional Management

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4. Housing and Environment

The birds were housed indoors on litter with an adequate number of feeders (about 15 cm feeder length per bird), round drinkers (3 per flock), perches (about 20 cm/bird) and nests (2 per flock). During the day the birds had access to an enclosed chicken run (6 m2/chicken). Natural daylight length was used during the study.

The birds were fed in a combined system. They received a complete compound feed supplemented with green forage and on-farm feeds (cereal meal, lettuce, pumpkin and carrot), so that the daily feed ration contained on average 15.0–15.5% crude protein, up to 6.0% crude fibre and 108–10.9 MJ ME, in accordance with poultry nutrition standards (Smulikowska and Rutkowski, 2005).

The analysis included selected external and internal characteristics of eggs laid by hens during the study period. Five eggs from each flock were designated for analysis at two-week intervals. A total of 30 eggs from each flock and 180 eggs from all flocks together were analysed.

The eggs were evaluated immediately after laying. Egg quality parameters were divided into those which required the egg to be broken and those that did not. The following characteristics of individual egg components were assessed:
– Egg weight
– Length of long and short axes
– Shell colour
– Shell weight
– Shell thickness
– Height of thick albumen
– Width of thick albumen
– Area of spread of thin albumen
– Weight of each albumen fraction
– Yolk weight
– Yolk colour
– Yolk height
– Yolk diameter

The data obtained were used to calculate the percentage share of each morphological component of the egg in the weight of the entire egg. Hatching results were analysed as well. Eggs laid in June – 30 eggs from each flock – were designated for hatching. Hatching eggs were obtained as a result of natural mating, with 1–2 cocks to 5–7 hens in the flock. All eggs were set in the incubator no later than 7 days after laying. A total of 180 eggs were set in the incubator.

The eggs were set in IO-1P TE incubators from Electroarges (Romania) and incubated for 18 days at about 100°F and relative humidity of about 68%. The first candling was performed between days 8 and 10 of incubation. The second candling was performed on days 18–19. On day 20 the relative humidity was raised to 70–75%. After hatching, the relative humidity was slowly reduced from 75% to 53%. The hatched chicks were examined for visible pathological changes. The extent to which the yolk sac internalisation was assessed, including abdominal wall closure, the degree of navel healing, and any abnormalities in the chicks.

5. Breeding Management

Breeding management is a crucial aspect of maintaining the health and productivity of ornamental chicken breeds. This includes proper selection of breeding pairs, monitoring of egg production, and ensuring optimal conditions for hatching and rearing chicks. It is important to have a thorough understanding of the genetic background of the different breeds in order to make informed breeding decisions.

Selection of Breeding Pairs

When selecting breeding pairs, it is essential to consider the genetic diversity and health of the birds. Breeding from healthy, disease-free individuals with desirable traits such as plumage color, feather structure, and overall conformation is important for maintaining the breed standard. Careful selection of breeding pairs can help to prevent genetic disorders and improve the overall quality of the offspring.

Monitoring Egg Production

Regular monitoring of egg production is necessary to assess the reproductive performance of the breeding stock. This involves keeping track of the number of eggs laid, as well as monitoring the quality of the eggs. Any abnormalities in egg production should be promptly addressed to ensure the health and well-being of the breeding birds.

Optimal Conditions for Hatching and Rearing Chicks

Creating optimal conditions for hatching and rearing chicks is essential for the successful propagation of ornamental chicken breeds. This includes providing suitable nesting areas, maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels during incubation, and ensuring adequate nutrition for the developing embryos and newly hatched chicks. Proper care and management during the early stages of life can significantly impact the health and vitality of the offspring.

By implementing effective breeding management practices, ornamental chicken breeders can contribute to the preservation and improvement of these unique and aesthetically valuable poultry breeds.

In conclusion, breeding ornamental chickens for egg production offers a unique opportunity to combine beauty and functionality. By selecting breeds with desirable traits, such as colorful plumage and high egg production, breeders can create birds that are both visually stunning and economically viable. This presents an exciting avenue for poultry enthusiasts to explore and expand on.

By admin

5 thoughts on “Maximizing Egg Production: Breeding Ornamental Chickens for Optimal Results”
  1. The details about hatching conditions are valuable for anyone interested in poultry breeding. Thanks for sharing this knowledge.

  2. I appreciate the emphasis on genetic diversity when selecting breeding stock. It’s crucial for maintaining healthy flocks.

  3. The section on housing and environment was quite informative. Proper care can make a significant difference in egg quality.

  4. This article provides a comprehensive overview of breeding ornamental chickens. It’s interesting to see the focus on both aesthetic qualities and egg production.

  5. It’s fascinating how ornamental breeds can be both beautiful and productive. This balance is essential for successful breeding practices.

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